Hi everyone, since the Governor’s decision to pass the Constitutional Carry Law, yeah! I have had more students and seen new people at Governor’s Gun Club in Kennesaw. That’s great, people looking to learn a new tool are my focus in the beginner’s class, that should be the point, in my opinion. The one thing that is lacking, they are standing there shooting at a static target not moving. I think most people conceal their carry guns vs walking around exposed as a target themselves. So where is the practice to draw from concealment? How do you measure your progress? How do you develop muscle memory for the draw? Most instructors agree there are 4 parts to the foundation of drawing and presenting (pointing) the gun. If you can’t count them off in your mind right now? Can you, if not you are missing the fundamentals. I teach a separate class on Concealed Carry for that purpose. Teaching it in the Basic class would overload the circuits of most students. Your choice learns how to draw and point a gun SAFELY. Your choice, give me a call and let me help, or, watch a YouTube video and hope your not making any mistakes. Mistakes are normally good but if you’re going to do it alone (mistake) but at least empty the gun first and put the bullets in another room. There are no mistakes in gun handling only negligent discharge due to lack of knowledge. Stay Lucky (laboring under correct knowledge), Stay safe, and practice!
Thanks, Rico!