FREE Monthly Child Safety Course

A Child Safety Course for Gun Owners

Child Safety Course

This Course focuses on saving children’s lives. At least one Parent/Guardian MUST sign waiver and be present for the entirety of the class. We will be going over what a child should do in the likely event they find or come across a firearm in their home, at a friend’s house or in a public place such as a park or in the woods or street, anywhere really! There is a natural curiosity about firearms. Which is innocently acquired from watching movies, television and video games and/or the news your child overhears EVERYDAY…  We will cover “The 4 Laws of Firearm Safety” and how to safely store a firearm. Recommend training courses are available for increased education for both children and adults. PLEASE, do not depend on someone else to protect your child!

There is something, we as a community, are all alarmed about every day, and that is Firearms. I’m here to enlighten and educate you on this important topic.   It is not the dangers of “Guns” we should focus on, but rather it should be the proper EDUCATION of what a child should do when they unexpectedly come across a gun. As you know, the current mode of thinking is the best way to keep kids safe from guns is not to have any guns in the home. CDC statistics prove that the current mode of thinking is wholly ineffective! So, how should we respond to that?  The answer is much easier than you think. Think about it.  We teach our kids how to swim because we don’t want them to drown. We teach them not to touch a hot stove, to avoid getting burned. Ignoring the danger is not the solution. Think of it this way, it has already been proven that abstinence did nothing to stop teenage pregnancy. Pretending it never happens did not help. Why do you think a large part of today’s new parents tell their “kids don’t touch any gun they are bad and dangerous!” That is NOT going to solve the problem it’s the same thinking!

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Our philosophy is, SAFETY Through EDUCATION.  Always, we must empower our children through proper education to make good, safe decisions, if and when they are ever put in an unsafe situation. Center Shot Training offers one a FREE Child Safety Course, every month. It is our way of supporting the community. It will be limited to 30 people max, one parent/guardian present for entire class and will be on first come, first served basis. We will be using a combination of tools from the National Rifle Association, National Shooting Sport Foundation and the United States Concealed Carry Association, KIDS S.A.F.E. FOUNDATION. Prizes will be given. Come and learn. Because of the restrictions place on everyone due to COVID 19, I can only teach the class in someone’s home. Since I only teach one FREE CLASS PER MONTH it is First come, First served.  You are welcome to invite family and friends attend I just ask that you limit the group to 20 people and kids and that every family have at least one parent or guardian present and to attend the class to sign the waiver authorizing Center Shot Training LLC. To teach it to their child or children. Call ASAP to get on the waiting list for your family and Friends. Let’s work to end this horrible unnecessary tragedy. Please don’t think this will never happen to you. If it does you will have a life time of regrets.

Thanks, from all of us at Center Shot Training.

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children safety ideas safe

Learning can be fun!