Question on Qaran Digest.
If no gun control, then how do Republicans suggest keeping guns away from an unstable person being able to purchase a gun? Are you against all or any background checks? Would you support a routine background check? By the way, I am neither republican nor democrat I consider myself a constitutional patriot.
You don’t with, or without gun control. There are laws that prohibit ownership of firearms from unstable people, but deranged killers don’t care about those. There are more than enough laws on the books for people who commit crimes with guns. Unstable people cannot be counted on to do the right thing! Whether it’s a hammer screwdriver or gun. The question should be how do I protect myself and my loved ones from unstable people? Figure out the best answer for you. Baseball bat, tire iron, knife, or gun. How important is keeping your family protected and what is or can be your comfort zone? FBI national crime stats report more people are killed by blunt force trauma IE hammers screwdrivers 2 x 4s than guns. It sucks but that’s why neanderthals started carrying clubs.