This is how politicians flip flop!
Joe Biden 1985! Remark made during Firearms Owners’ Protection Act debate in 1985
The remark came during debate over the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act, which amended the Gun Control Act of 1968 by permitting the interstate sale of handguns and increasing penalties for criminal misuse of firearms, among other changes.
Biden voted against amendments that would have enacted a 14-day waiting period for handgun sales and removed a provision requiring notification before routine compliance inspections of firearm dealers and manufacturers.
A series of senators then spoke about the bill, including Biden. Here’s the in-context quote from the Facebook post:
“I believe the compromises that are now a part of this bill have resulted in a balanced piece of legislation that protects the rights of private gun owners while not infringing on law enforcement’s ability to deal with those who misuse guns or violate laws. During my 12 1/2 years as a Member of this body, I have never believed that additional gun control or Federal registration of guns would reduce crime. I am convinced that a criminal who wants a firearm can get one through illegal, nontraceable, unregistered sources, with or without gun control. In my opinion a national register or ban of handguns would be impossible to carry out and may not result in reductions in crime.”
Biden concluded his remarks by saying he would listen intently to arguments for amendments to the bill.